Reporting From Alaska

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Dunleavy lies to Alaskans about FBI 'activities against parents'

Gov. Mike Dunleavy has increased the flow of overheated swill aimed at Alaskans, using state resources to promote his reelection campaign, the theme of which is “It’s not my fault.”

The bloated Dunleavy public relations team is trying to distract Alaskans from the governor’s record by blaming every shortcoming on someone else. Favorite targets of the daily Dunleavy diatribes are President Joe Biden, Democrats in Congress and the Alaska Legislature.

Dunleavy continues to ignore the state law that prohibits the use of “state funds, facilities, equipment, services or another government asset or resource for partisan political purposes.”

As I’ve noted before, Dunleavy has expanded the state payroll with publicity people and directed money into campaign advertising and promotion. He is spending hundreds of thousands of public funds, hoping to reinvent himself for 2022 with a catalog of half-truths, oversimplifications and lies.

One of the new bureaucrats hired to put words in Dunleavy’s mouth is Andrew Jensen, who spent years presenting himself to the public as an opponent of government lard. Jensen or one of the other Dunleavy press agents wrote the stupid fake letter in which three dictators praised Biden for “embracing” their values.

A couple of weeks ago, Dunleavy’s mouthpieces had the governor saying Biden is anti-Thanksgiving and doesn’t want Americans to enjoy a good meal. Next we will be hearing that Dunleavy is filing a lawsuit to protect Santa’s reindeer from the War on Christmas.

Equally absurd is the proclamation by Dunleavy’s office that the FBI is targeting parents, a lie promoted by the leaders of the Republican Party and endorsed with no questions by the Dunleavy state-funded campaign.

They wrote this lie for Dunleavy, which he hasn’t retracted or corrected:

The email from the so-called whistleblower outlines a plan to have law enforcement report instances in which people are threatened with violence. It outlines a reasonable approach, one that is warranted.

This is not about discouraging parents from attending school board meetings, expressing their opinions or arguing with school officials. It is not about tracking “reports against parents,” as Dunleavy claims.

It’s about tracking those who threaten violence and criminal activities against school administrators, school board members and school staff. There is a difference.

The grandstanding governor has ordered the Alaska State Troopers and all other state entities to refuse to cooperate with the FBI efforts to monitor threats of violence. That Alaska law enforcement should be monitoring threats of violence goes without saying, but this is not about good public policy and public safety.

Dunleavy and his campaign handlers are lying to Alaskans about what the FBI is doing and lying about this so-called evidence. Read it for yourself: