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Right-wing Borough Assembly candidate spouts crackpot claims

Patricia Silva, who claims to be a certified “life mastery consultant,” spouts endless crackpot claims on her Facebook page. She claims to use the “proven Dreambuilder technology” to help people “design and manifest a life that is in harmony with your Soul's purpose.”

The internet is packed with certified life mastery consultants who have paid for the course at the Brave Thinking Institute and use that exact phrase in what appears to be a mass cut-and-paste motivational exercise.

Silva is running for the Borough Assembly in Fairbanks against Savannah Fletcher, who is the reasonable candidate in the race.

Silva is claiming that tunnels under the White House are being flooded and collapsed, that COVID shots have tracking devices, that there never was a virus, that the virus is harmless, that COVID shots cause infertility, that having kids wear masks creates respiratory problems, that President Biden is a pedophile and a Communist.

Regarding the White House tunnels, she makes many absurd claims and warns readers to not “mix this message with other ignorant anus statements that are being brought to the table.”

“There are reports that there have been thousands upon thousands of children and bones from human remains that have been removed from these tunnels,” Silva said on Facebook. “The Cabal has been revealed. Biden spoke about it the other day.”

This is a QAnon conspiracy theory, in circulation for months, that no reputable news organization, government organization or credible person has confirmed.

Her other claims about COVID, vaccines, masks, Trump and most political issues are just as reckless and inaccurate.

That Silva is spreading this nonsense is evidence enough for me that she doesn’t belong on the Borough Assembly.