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Tshibaka promotes Trump's Big Lie about the stolen election

The major challenger to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the Rev. Kelly Tshibaka, has a hard time saying out loud that she believes Donald Trump’s Big Lie that he really won the 2020 presidential election.

But Tshibaka never hesitates to question the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s victory, which is the same thing.

Tshibaka is willing to echo Trump’s lie in her pursuit of personal power, one of many reasons she is unfit to represent Alaska in the U.S. Senate.

Tshibaka is a Washington, D.C. insider who has had a license to practice law in Maryland since 2002. She spent her entire professional career in Washington, D.C., except for the two years she and her husband worked in the Dunleavy administration, establishing residency in Alaska for her Senate run.

For the past year she has been repeating lies about “unanswered questions” regarding the 2020 election, currying favor with the loser of the 2020 race.

“I think that the allegations that came up in the 2020 election just simply haven't been looked into,” Tshibaka said last spring.

Sowing seeds of doubt and claiming there are unanswered questions—in the face of overwhelming evidence and countless investigations that have removed all doubt—is the Trump scam Tshibaka is trying to sell.

There are always unanswered questions.

There are unanswered questions about Area 51, about why Trump went bankrupt with casinos and why Tshibaka says her parents were homeless in 1975 when they were really on a camping trip.

For the 2020 election, all the important questions have been answered time and again—Biden won. Trump lost.

Tshibaka will never admit the truth because she is a Trump sycophant, who gained his blessing because she is the tool for Trump’s attempt to get revenge against Murkowski. The ability of Murkowski to think for herself enrages Trump.

Tshibaka’s campaign is hiring Mar-a-lago for a fundraiser with Trump. Tshibaka issued a statement saying, “I am thrilled that he will be hosting this event.” But such thrills come at a cost.

As the Washington Post reported about dozens of similar events, “Rather than hosting fellow Republicans, Trump is charging them for the privilege of using his venues.”

Tshibaka and other candidates who make the pilgrimage to Mar-a-lago have to accept the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump or at least swallow his claptrap with a smile.

On the Steve Bannon podcast in December, Tshibaka repeated her usual line of nonsense that no one knows if Biden really won the election.

"So Steve, we also have Democrats, common-sense Democrats who don’t line up with this leftist Biden administration, who wonder about the 2020 election. And whether we ever actually get to the bottom of it, I don’t know, this might be a question we all have on our deathbeds, what actually happened,” she said.

“Here’s what we do know. The Cyber Ninja report from Arizona’s audit said that the Arizona audit never, or the Arizona election never should have been certified. That’s not what fake news mainstream media tells you. They tell you oh they find that Biden won. No they didn’t. They use what appear to be generally accepted auditing standards, remember I have an audit background. I read the report, I think they assume most Americans won’t because again, they think America’s stupid. The report said it never should have been certified. When you have that kind of a finding you have a problem.”

Here’s what we do know. Her campaign fable, which she delivers as fast as possible in a tone of outrage to suggest secret conspiracies and avoid dealing with facts, falls apart upon examination.

In the end, the partisan Arizona election report showed Biden picking up votes in Arizona. Even key Republicans in Arizona recognized it as a sham.

"We noticed the auditors buried this fact: their ballot recount was nearly identical to the county’s count, and the official results stand," Jack Sellers, GOP chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, said Sept. 24. "The Cyber Ninjas’ opinions come from a misuse and misunderstanding of the data provided by the county and are twisted to fit the narrative that something went wrong."

Biden won the election. Trump wants to overthrow the elected leader of the country. Tshibaka signals she is OK with that.

She has turned her back on the rule of law and chosen to put flattery of Trump above defending the peaceful transition of power, while spreading dangerous lies that put our nation at risk.

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