Reporting From Alaska

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Palin claims she would make sure feds don’t “mess” with draft abortion ruling

Right-wing radio blabber Mark Levin, who preaches that the country is going to hell, asked Sarah Palin on his show what she would want to do in Congress and if she has a good shot at winning.

“Yeah, if I wanna get in there. Yeah. Well I’m gonna make sure that the federal government doesn’t mess with things like our Supreme Court, draft ruling anyway, we’ll see where that goes, on Roe v. Wade and not infringing on state’s rights. I just, like somebody, as many reinforcements as we can get, need to be there to cast that vote to ensure things like state’s rights. But yeah, whether I have a good shot or not there, I think there are about 50 candidates in this race. It’s a real bizarre race.”

Not much has changed since she couldn’t identify what newspapers she was reading in 2008. She appears to know little about current political issues in Alaska and her default position is to repeat national right-wing cliches and talking points recycled from her time in the national spotlight.

Her campaigning consists largely of appearing on right-wing radio and TV shows to complain about President Biden and the Far Left.

Palin suggested to Levin that nefarious forces are at work in the election, complained about the mail-in election, and said she received four ballots in the mail from the state, one for a daughter who doesn’t live in Alaska and is no longer a resident. (But it appears that the daughter remains a registered Alaska voter.)

“So everybody's voting right now in Alaska. Ballots are pouring in even though people aren't asking for the ballots, but they're being mailed to everybody. The election isn't until June eleventh, but you vote now, and then I guess, what you got like six weeks of wasting donor's money, campaigning trying to woo people who've already voted. It's a bizarre system up here.”

• On Newsmax Palin attacked the Republican Party, which endorsed Nick Begich III, but no one else, including her:

“Eric, just a few days ago our Republican Party of Alaska had its convention and they, through some backroom dealings, good ol’ boy club manifesting itself, actually endorsed out of the 50 candidates running for Congress, endorsed the one candidate who contributes to Democrats and just accepts money from the NEA, and the big unions, and admits to voting for Democrats, and the Republican Party did their little dealmaking and handshaking and came out of the convention, the central committee, endorsing the one guy on the Republican side who is the biggest RINO [Republican in name only] there is.”

• Palin told Fox News that Sen. Lisa Murkowski is “one of the biggest RINOs that has ever been sent” to Congress. Palin referred to Kelly Tshibaka as “our” Senate candidate and said “she’s gonna kick butt back there.”

• On a Fairbanks talk show, a caller asked Begich if he supports the Trump claims about the stolen 2020 election, claims that have been rejected by the courts.

Begich tried to plant himself on both sides of the question with a long rambling reply. He refused to answer the question directly. He clearly has worked on trying to appeal to those who believe Trump’s lies without saying whether he believes Trump’s lies.

“It’s an interesting question. Oddly enough, I get this question from media constantly. It seems like every, every media outlet asks me this question in almost exactly the same way, which I have always found kind of odd. But I think it’s time for us to move forward as a country. We have the courts for a reason. These are the venues in which challenges may be brought to elections or any other matter. And the courts have weighed in. There hasn’t been anything that’s been able to stand up in a court of law. I think more concerning to me are the manner in which elections were changed, the protocols and methods were changed in many of the swing states through executive orders, whether that be for a secretary of state or lieutenant governor or governor, changing the methodology of the voting, the windows during which voting could occur and bypassing the state legislatures in many cases, which have the constitutional authority to ratify that process.”

Begich claimed “Alaska did that too. I think that we need to make sure we honor the constitutionality of the process by which elections federally are managed.”