Reporting From Alaska

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Interior Gas Utility looks to North Slope for expanded 20-year supply of natural gas from Hilcorp

The uncertain future of Cook Inlet natural gas supplies has the Interior Gas Utility turning its focus to the North Slope and a proposed 20-year contract with Harvest Midstream, a company owned by Hilcorp. Liquefied natural gas would be shipped to Fairbanks by truck.

In April, Hilcorp told the electric and natural gas utilities along the Railbelt that they should not count on getting contract renewals for Cook Inlet natural gas. IGU has a contract until 2032.

Even if new gas supplies are made available from Cook Inlet, the energy is likely to be at a higher price, IGU says.

The Interior Gas Utility board is to meet Tuesday at 4 p.m. to consider the proposal.

The complete presentation, information on how to participate in the meeting and background on the proposal can be found here.