Readers commenting on his Washington Post column who know the first thing about Alaska took issue with Henry Olsen’s dumb claim that Dunleavy is the “tall, winning gunslinger” who could save fiscal conservatism.
Read MoreThe moment that Dunleavy announces his endorsement of a permanently reduced PFD, that’s when he will lose the Republicans in the Anti-Math Movement he has egged on by telling people exactly what he thinks they want to hear.
Read MoreAlaskans have the right to know when Gov. Mike Dunleavy learned that former AG Kevin Clarkson denied a public records request about the 558 text messages he sent to a low-ranking state employee half his age.
Read MoreThe former CEO of the Pebble Mine bragged about leading a group that helped defeat nine Republican incumbent legislators in the primary election.
Read MoreBefore becoming politically toxic, former Pebble CEO Tom Collier claimed Gov. Mike Dunleavy has agreed with the mine on a still-secret plan to preserve state land near the mine site as a way to compensate for environmental degradation.
Read MoreIt’s as if Tom Collier, who is now unemployed, just revealed the secret Republican handshake or accused the senators of not knowing the Alaska flag song. The company has rolled out the embellishment excuse, saying that no one should believe a thing he said on the recordings.
Read MoreThe Tandem Motion contract is a small part of what appears to be a major effort by Tshibaka to reshape the state work force, using tens of millions from the federal COVID-19 bailout package for a series of contracts that could lead to privatizing a significant chunk of work now performed by state employees.
Read MoreGov. Mike Dunleavy told Alaskans he had a PFD petition to pressure the Legislature. And he had another petition to cap government spending. He didn’t. He was just collecting names of constituents for future political purposes.
Read MoreAs expected, Sen. Dan Sullivan abandons his alleged principle about not picking a Supreme Court nominee close to an election and twists the language to claim he is being consistent. He might as well claim that he had his fingers crossed in 2016.
Read MoreTom Collier, CEO of the Pebble Partnership, and Ron Thiessen, CEO of Northern Dynasty created a host of new political problems for themselves in Alaska and in Washington, D.C. with secretly recorded comments that will embarrass Sen. Dan Sullivan, Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Gov. Mike Dunleavy, among others.
Read MoreThere is a principle that Sen. Dan Sullivan follows—count on him to say and do whatever McConnell and Trump want him to do.
Read MoreIt appears that Lt. Gov. Meyer was so busy watching notaries, the state seal and serving as a ceremonial leader that he forgot about his only real job—supervising elections in Alaska.
Read MoreAnchorage Republican Rep. Mel Gillis made a comment to a representative of the Anchorage police union that it would be nice to hire off-duty cops to beat up protesters. It didn’t go over well.
Read MoreThe way in which former Rep. Craig Johnson, a member of the state personnel board, is allowed to withhold key information on his financial disclosure form reveals a problem in the law and a problem in the way the Alaska Public Offices Commission enforces the law.
Read MoreThe Alaska Chamber of Hypocrisy wants Alaskans to think that Ballot Measure No. 1 is the work of Outside environmentalists trying to shut down the economy. The chamber is spreading this lie entirely with money from Outsiders.
Read MoreAdministration Commissioner Kelly Tshibaka referred to me as a “fake news blogger,” which is not nearly as imaginative as the inflated description she provided in her press release about the resume of the former barista getting $350 an hour.
Read More“I’ve never sent a text in my life. I’ve never turned a computer on. I’ve never turned one off,” says Rep. Don Young, after 47 years in Congress.
Read MoreThe new claim by Rep. Don Young, who is running against Alyse Galvin for Congress, that he changed his position on the "beer virus" only "when it became serious" is complete nonsense.
Read MoreWhen the Anchorage Daily News filed a public records request June 5 seeking communications between Clarkson and a state employee half his age, it was Clarkson who told subordinates in the Department of Law that he did not have them. The department never pushed back on the boss.
Read MoreVoting for Ballot Measure One is the most sensible step Alaska can take this fall toward a real fiscal plan for Alaska that strikes a proper balance. Ignore the scare talk. If there are elements of the plan that need to be tweaked, that can happen as early as 2023.
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