'Normal people don't take selfies in front of Hitler quotes'

“Look at the photo he posted for the occasion. To a normie, it appears that David is frowning in disapproval at the monstrousness of The Führer’s words – at worst, it might look like he’s a politician trying to score a tacky photo op at one of America’s most somber memorial spaces. But to his fellow neo-fascists, he is standing at attention and paying respectful homage to Hitler. Normal people don’t take selfies in front of Hitler quotes,” writes Edward ReBrook, an attorney who was a classmate of Rep. David Eastman at West Point.

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Tetlin trucking venture could produce profits of $1,000 an ounce, not counting cost of public highway damage, road maintenance and public safety worries

A big reason for the “robust returns” is that the company will be using public highways nearly all of the way and doesn’t have to worry about paying for road maintenance, bridge repairs or the impact on other drivers using the highways. Those are real costs, which will be borne by the public, not by the shareholders of Kinross and its joint venture partner Contango ORE.

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