Dunleavy's brother and Bob Penney have now invested $555,000 in election

With $30,000 from Francis Dunleavy in Texas and $25,000 from Bob Penney in Anchorage, the two men have spent a total of $555,000 in the Mike Dunleavy shadow campaign for governor, free from the contribution limits approved by Alaska voters.

At some point this will become a news story in Alaska, though maybe it is not Blockbuster material. 

The reports filed today with the Alaska Public Offices Commission show that Francis, a former finance executive with JP Morgan, has spent $305,000 on his brother's campaign, while Penney has spent $250,000.

The official Dunleavy campaign would have to get the maximum $500 per person donation from more than 1,100 people to match the deep-pocketed duo.  In many ways the shadow campaign functions as the real campaign, buying ads, signs, etc.

This is how rich people use their financial power to influence elections.

All told, the Dunleavy shadow campaign has collected about $655,000 through July 20.

Aside from Francis Dunleavy and Penney,  major backers include Josh Pepperd, $50,000, and Dittman Research. Dittman Research is also reported to be the recipient of numerous payments from the group.

The campaign report for the official Dunleavy campaign, listing contributions as of a month before the primary election, showed that it collected about $164,000 since February. The Dunleavy campaign has about $43,000 cash on hand, while the shadow campaign had about the same amount before the $30,000 provided by Francis Dunleavy Monday.

The Gov. Bill Walker re-election campaign reported raising $320,000 in donations of $500 or less since February.  Democrat Mark Begich reported raising $133,000 since June 1, while Republican Mead Treadwell's 30-day report had yet to be posted by the APOC.

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