Amid all the noise, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner offers solid solution: 'OVERRIDE'

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner has had front-page editorials throughout its long history, but the Monday edition is the first that I recall in which the newspaper filled the front page with an urgent call for action.

It’s a strong editorial and a timely one, asking the Legislature to override the reckless vetoes of Gov. Mike Dunleavy. A majority of the members of the Legislature support overriding the vetoes, which is the only sensible solution. A minority of legislators remain opposed. Their intransigence threatens the future of our state.

There are other ways to fix the fiscal problem than the narrow route chosen by Dunleavy.

“What Alaska needs is a reasonable and responsible reaction,” the News-Miner said. “It doesn’t need what the governor has prescribed.”

“The Legislature must flex its authority as a coequal branch of government and save the state by overriding the vetoes and standing by the reasonable budget it approved and sent to the governor.”

In Fairbanks, the Dunleavy effort to gut the University of Alaska would hit particularly hard, but that’s just the beginning of the foolish actions by the governor, who has refused to show any signs of compromise.

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