The so-called Alaska Senate Caucus of Equals showed its lack of integrity by putting Reinbold in charge of the committee charged with reviewing “the programs and activities of the Alaska Court System and the Department of Law, and the legal and substantive review of bills referred to it for that purpose.”
Read MoreGov. Mike Dunleavy has brought back the constitutional amendment he proposed two years ago to make tax increases all but impossible to approve in Alaska. The Legislature should reject it for a second time.
Read MoreIt’s unfortunate that Dunleavy is continuing to repeat the lie that the Alaska Permanent Fund grew by $11 billion in 2020.
Read MoreAs soon as the Biden administration catches on to the presidential permit Trump signed for the proposed $17 billion—or more—Alberta to Alaska railroad link, the president will probably do away with it, for the same reason that he issued an order blocking the Keystone XL Pipeline—climate change.
Read MoreAvidian Gold withdrew its proposed lease for the mining exploration project off Amanita and Esro roads Wednesday after a chorus of neighborhood objections to a flawed process.
Read MoreWhat Dunleavy and his representatives didn’t bother to explain in 2019 was that his proposed constitutional amendment was aimed at stripping Alaskans of a fundamental right they have under the Alaska Constitution, the ability to raise taxes by initiative.
Read MoreThe Mental Health Trust Land Office in Anchorage should have shown some recognition that this is a quiet residential area, instead of appearing to assume that this is an entirely unpopulated zone with no possibility of conflicts over land uses.
Read MoreThe board of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority is treating the decision to spend about $17 million this year on oil leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as a political vision, not a business decision.
Read MoreEverybody loves a state spending limit, as long as there is no discussion of cutting road maintenance, education, dividends, public safety, grants to local governments, emergency services, airports, ferries, courts, health care or anything else.
Read MoreThe Trump rule mandating that the biggest national banks have to make loans for Arctic oil exploration is likely to survive as long in the Biden administration as the White House stockpile of MAGA hats.
Read MoreThe proxy vote that Rep. Don Young made while missing from Congress, opposing Trump’s impeachment, is illegal and a sham, according to a bold statement from Don Young circa June, 2020, who said he would never vote that way. A big reversal for Rep. Beer Virus.
Read MoreA key requirement in the state financial disclosure law can be ignored if a public official gets his or her spouse to write a letter claiming the public official doesn’t have any idea how much the spouse makes.
Read MoreThe Pebble appeal is probably already dead with the Biden administration. But Dunleavy will want to go to court on this, especially if he gets the $4 million he has asked from the Legislature for the elite statehood strike force of Outside contract lawyers.
Read MoreSen. Dan Sullivan now says his fervent wish from way back was for Trump to accept the election results. But Sullivan waited to express this fervent wish until a day after the Trump terrorists stormed the Capitol, which leads me to conclude that it wasn’t his fervent wish until it was too late.
Read MoreSen. Mia Costello, a world-class opponent of the evils of Big Government, wants local government officials to face fines of up to $1,000 for attending illegal secret meetings.
Read MoreThe Dunleavy $6.3 billion withdrawal plan would reduce the long-term earning power of the Permanent Fund and expand future deficits by about $160 million a year. A sustainable withdrawal would be about $3 billion.
Read MoreSullivan and Murkowski have encouraged the Trump coup and the Republican terrorists, but they won’t take any responsibility for their political cowardice.
Read MoreOne of the enduring mysteries of the Dunleavy administration is the so-called “Alaska Development Team,” an effort that appears to have grown out of a campaign promise to recruit “distressed gun manufacturers” to build factories in Alaska.
Read MoreThe most serious unexamined question for Alaska’s news organizations is why the Dunleavy administration decided that frontline essential workers should be given a lower priority for vaccine access than medical professionals recommended in a 20-0 vote. This is all about the political power of those aged 65 and older.
Read MoreThat Sen. Dan Sullivan has nothing of substance to say about the Republican attempt to overturn the presidential election is in keeping with his practice of keeping quiet in the corner for as long as possible, sometimes allowing his underlings to make mealy-mouthed statements of inconsequence.
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