In the Alaska Senate Caucus of Equals, crackpot conspiracy theories find champion in Reinbold

Eagle River Sen. Lora Reinbold, who is willing to champion any right-wing crackpot claim, should not be in charge of the Senate Judiciary committee.

The so-called Alaska Senate Caucus of Equals showed its lack of integrity by putting Reinbold in charge of the committee charged with reviewing “the programs and activities of the Alaska Court System and the Department of Law, and the legal and substantive review of bills referred to it for that purpose.”

Reinbold, a warrior against mask tyranny who spends a lot of time on the internet, is not the politician with the judgment for this job.

The absence in the Senate of Sen. John Coghill, a man I rarely agreed with but respected, will be keenly felt this year in Alaska.

Here is a selection of what Reinbold has written on Facebook since the 2020 election:

  • We are working hard to get hearings scheduled for the Judiciary Committee. We look forward to taking a legal dive into the government requiring healthy people to wear masks.

  • Why do you think there is so much National Guard activity? We know Biden wants around 100 million to get MRNA (experimental because it skipped some key animal trials & potentially dangerous as can be deadly) bio agent given in his first 100 days potentially by National Guard. Or is there another reason why there is so much movement with the National Guard?

  • A covid cold welcome for visitors to Juneau - mask police, fire dept staff, airport police and loads of covid screeners make you feel very (non) welcome here! Don’t think the covid craziness is going to help the tourism business here! 😣 Thanks Gov D for keeping alive the disaster that keeps on giving rules and taking rights!

  • Governor Mike Dunleavy your endless disaster declarations are getting so old and as starters, are creating an economic, educational and a constitutional crisis for Alaskans. Gov d words can’t express the disappointment of how “out of touch” you are with the negative impacts of your “orders” -what is your goal? To get people to injected with an experimental, potentially dangerous new type of mRNA vax?

  • Trump reaction to recent events- condemning all violence. So many are completely taken back in such a tough time why ruthless Pelosi moved to impeach, without fair hearings and due process - it’s one more assault to our constitution.

  • Six serious adverse reactions with Covid vaccines, in a short period of time at one location - people were turned away after waiting hours because of so many bad reactions.

  • It’s very sad that the Capitol was stormed today, it’s a frightening experience. Sadly the state legislature got a taste of storming during the special session in Wasilla in July 2019. We were told ANTIFA was behind it but it may never have gotten investigated, so we don’t know the truth. Today the storming that happened in our US capitol on the legislative floor is unacceptable.

  • . . . disaster declarations can cause a bigger disaster-courtesy of yours truly Gov D: our education system is in crisis, healthcare system enabling medical tyranny, massive government growth & dependence when our revenues are smaller, economy is in a turmoil, small businesses in crisis, many are in emotional turmoil and the legislative branch has been sidelined as Gov D continues to declare illegal disasters based on likely fraudulent numbers to push an agenda.

  • I wish we had a true Republican Executive branch/Governor & Mayor that was for The American Dream and honored their oath to the Constitution for your freedom like Governor Noem!

  • You will hear endless rhetoric of why you need to get a COVID-19 vaccine, even though the recovery rate for COVID-19 is around 99.7%, with many having minimal symptoms. Logic tells you natural immunity is best. I worked in big pharma and the healthcare industry for many years. Normally it takes 7 years to develop a safe vaccine and around 17 years to bring a safe pharma product to market. I’ll gladly give up a/my icu bed, if I get a bad case of COVID-19, even though I have double coverage Insurance, because both my husband and I work. Please wait and only get the COVID-19 (multiple) vaccines when they are proven safe over a significant amount of time. Don’t be fearful, there are great treatments for COVID. The hospital bed counts are being creatively counted, to declare the ongoing disaster. Don’t look back with regret, don’t give up your rights! Direct your own healthcare choices for your family! An important video to watch and share broadly. The Common Core king & multi generational supporter of Planned Parenthood, Bill Gates, bizarrely wants us all to get multiple vaccines for COVID.

  • I joined the official AG Texas lawsuit with six of my Republican colleagues to help ensure election integrity yesterday and got confirmation we made the official docket today! Rep Rauscher, Eastman, Rep elect McKay, McCabe, Gillam, Kurka

  • As I have warned for many months -this governor has no intention of letting go of his illegal dictatorship: disaster declarations, unconstitutional mandates and usurping the legislature again and again. I put forth a resolution and legislation via an amendment that almost passed in May, on the Senate floor to end his disaster powers, that are only to last 30 days in state statute!

  • An honorable constituent and former Lt Governor Craig Campbell wants the I unsubstantiated Socialist/Marxist mandates to stop!

  • Because I vented on Facebook, my frustrations, that healthy people are being forced wear masks, the past few weeks have been very tough politically. The controversial blogging in the ADN and the lack of decency in the comments section is disappointing. Some of the opeds have been over the top, about me, from people I’ve never met. I want you all to know I’m standing strong & will keep my oath to our sacred constitution, defending our liberty even when it’s tough. I’m thankful for strong allies, good friends and Danny Gokey’s powerful, positive music that inspire me.

  • My apology is for venting on Facebook with too much emphasis, that may have been offensive to some of the flight attendants. I’m shocked it made the news🤔? I stand by civil liberties. I stand by my decision to say no to two masks, because mine didn’t cover my chin. I stand firmly behind my decision to ask Alaska Airlines board room policy makers tough questions. I don’t support any corporate policies that violate rights. I empathize with employees & passengers that have to deal with unsubstantiated policies that are discriminatory to those don’t tolerate masks or have contraindications. Alaska Airline’s pilots are great, they have outstanding reservation agents and hard working flight attendants.

  • Did Jill Burke at KTUU/Alaskas News Source build trust and uphold the standards she promised to, when they did a story, using my name tonight? I gave them an almost 30 minute interview yesterday. Regardless of my wishes, they chose to use a post from my personal page with privacy settings, even after going out of my way, to interview with them. Regarding “sneaking” or walking past the people in hazmat suits, at the airport, where there may be a long line, it is okay to do! If you want to be compliant, there are options like getting tested before you fly, or elsewhere after you fly within the guidelines. Also, you can chose to quarantine, if you want to comply to executive branch “mandates.”

  • The free market system works, why don’t they offer a “mask optional “ on a flight a day to major cities? KTUU wanted to discuss my personal frustration, with being asked to wear a second mask, but I requested they stick with issues affecting the people. They agreed there was not Issues with flight attendants, but rather the people corporate back room, creating one size (doesn’t) fit all policies, that are controversial.

  • First, please note, many of the comments in the article were from my personal page, expressing my personal frustration. Only the comments in the lower part of the article were from ADN interview, which is my official position. Alaska Airlines pushed their own their own policies, to the limit, when they asked me to wear a second mask on top of my mask, because mine didn’t cover my chin. Note, I was told there are no exemptions to wearing a mask, including medical contraindications. I did comply to a controversial policy and wore a mask on both flights This is very discriminatory against those who don’t tolerate masks well, or have special needs children or medical conditions that may be exasperated by masks.

  • As the beautiful snow fell, I spent the day re-reading all Governor Dunleavys socialist health mandates. Reading between the lines, it looks like health Commission, Commander Crum, and Gov D hired Dr Zink to tell a story of why medical tyranny is so important for Alaska via health alerts (see #11 below) and mandates. Each time I read his March 11 “ Disaster Declaration” (note: per law disaster can only last 30 days) I now see it as their way to fear monger, using Covid 19 as their front, to gain immense control over our lives. Sadly, they have unleashed a constitutional, economic, educational and emotional crisis on Alaskans. Many of the mandates and health alerts are not only ridiculous, but they are scientifically unsubstantiated, many are unconstitutional and it’s easy to predict, they have created more harm than good.

  • I think it’s time to ask: are Dr Zink, Commisioner Crum and Gov D taking a holistic approach to COVID 19... or is it time to ask them to step aside?

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