U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka has a habit of embellishing the stories she tells, improving on the facts for campaign purposes. This results is a series of lies, half-truths and exaggerations that she continues to repeat.
Read MoreWhile it may be too late to sell Russian stocks without huge losses, this is not just a matter of politics. There is also the question of economics and whether our investment managers should have acted in advance and unloaded Russian holdings when there was something to unload. Balancing and holding onto a long-term vision is made more difficult when parts of the world are collapsing.
Read MoreWith current oil prices we are paying close to the maximum in per barrel credits to the oil industry, a billion-dollar-plus scheme that has never been vetted or justified. It’s way past time to do something about that.
Read MoreHad Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted against Interior Secretary Deb Haaland in committee, the nomination would have still gone to the Senate floor for a vote. In the end, Sens. Murkowski and Dan Sullivan voted for Haaland, as did Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins and all the Democrats present last March. The Senate confirmed her 51-40.
Read MoreThe Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly officially asked the Army Corps of Engineers to hold a hearing on the proposed Kinross gold trucking plan, a sensible decision.
Read MoreAaron Lojewski and Frank Tomaszewski should be more concerned with the matters over which they have some authority as members of the assembly, not with sharing their crowd-pleasing views that people want bigger dividend checks from the state.
Read MoreGov. Mike Dunleavy and his administration have refused to do any serious analysis of the Kinross plan to have trucks coming and going between Tetlin and Fort Knox every 7.5 minutes for years to come.
Read MoreA PR man in the governor’s office, Andrew Jensen, has a state job in which he sings the praises of Dunleavy and attacks Dunleavy’s critics. He is also a campaign “volunteer” for Dunleavy, a job in which he sings the praises of Dunleavy and attacks Dunleavy’s critics. It is impossible to say where his state job ends and his campaign job begins because they are the same. He doesn’t belong on the state payroll.
Read More“Low-interest rate borrowing allows the state to invest surplus revenue for better returns,” Gov. Mike Dunleavy claims, a bit of wisdom that could have come from the late Cal Worthington or the Mattress Ranch.
Read MoreOne of the Outside companies McKinley Capital Management has invested unknown millions of the Permanent Fund into is SpinLaunch, a speculative investment for a public fund.
Read MoreThe timing a year ago was no accident. Had the Republican group waited three more days to move the $3 million, the election reform measure approved by Alaska voters would have kicked in. And that measure would have required identification of the real donors of the money—those who laundered it through the RGA to try to reelect Dunleavy.
Read MoreMcKinley Capital Management, which made the investment with Permanent Fund money, says “Astra is one of the most high-profile success stories in Alaska’s emergence as a strategic location for the new space industry.” On Thursday, an Astra rocket launched at Cape Canaveral failed to deliver four small satellites into space.
Read MoreKinross Gold, which wanted to see the resolution die, was mighty pleased with the obstructionist tactics of Tammie Wilson, Jimi Cash and Frank Tomaszewski.
Read MoreNebari, a recipient of an undisclosed amount of public money, has an Alaska connection, but the company is not based in Alaska, contrary to the claim by Barings and the Permanent Fund. That the public has been misled about this simple detail is cause for concern.
Read MoreIt should not be up to the recipients of state cash to decide if such investments are to be revealed to the public. And it should not be up to the recipients of state cash to decide that they’d rather keep the dollar amounts secret. This is public money and the public deserves disclosure.
Read MoreRight-wing Anchorage Assembly member Jamie Allard brought up the Rev. Tshibaka to stand in the back of the flatbed pickup in the Cabela’s parking lot to give a speech and lead the assembled in prayer. This was not long after the crowd chanted “Let’s Go Brandon,” which means “Fuck Joe Biden.”
Read MoreIn his full-throated defense of a distorted definition of “freedom” that has led to needless suffering and death, Sen. Dan Sullivan showed no hint that he understands any of the life-and-death questions raised by the pandemic.
Read MoreThe Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation continues to claim that it is up to the recipients of the $200 million in state funds to decide what information, if any, should be released to Alaskans. The corporation refuses to say exactly how much is invested with each company, repeating its flawed interpretation of a state law enacted four decades ago.
The Legislature hasn’t done much in 2021 or 2022 to really examine the weaknesses in oil tax law and fix them. Now that oil is close to $90 a barrel and the state is paying the maximum in oil tax credits to the oil companies, this failure is striking.
Read MoreIt was a publicity stunt, one that allowed Dunleavy to claim in his publicity campaign that 17 new Trooper positions are in his budget, including 10 Troopers for Palmer and Wasilla. Until $5 million is added to the budget, the positions are imaginary.
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