Dunleavy claims he ducks debates because of 2018 Anchorage earthquake, pandemic, storms, fires, etc.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy claimed during a rare statewide debate that he hasn’t shown up at 13 debates in recent months because of natural disasters, including the 2018 Anchorage earthquake, the COVID pandemic, fires, storms and other catastrophes.

Former Gov. Bill Walker and former Rep. Les Gara say the political disaster of the Dunleavy administration is the real catastrophe that has kept him far from the debate stage.

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Republican Governors Association inadvertently reveals financing of Dunleavy shell group with IRS filings

On Monday, the Alaska Public Interest Research Group and the 907 Initiative filed a detailed complaint about the Dunleavy support group financed by the Republican Governors Association. The complaint says the evidence supporting the allegations that numerous violations have taken place is “incredibly strong,” based mainly on sworn filings with the IRS and APOC from the RGA and its Dunleavy support group.

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Pro-Dunleavy group that claimed to have $3 million may be empty front group, according to IRS filings

It appears that “A Stronger Alaska” is an empty front group for the Republican Governors Association, which told the Alaska Public Offices Commission it gave “A Stronger Alaska” $3 million. But IRS filings by the RGA show that it did not give any money to the Alaska group, which was created three days before a rule went into effects saying donors had to be identified.

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University of Alaska allows itself to be used by Dunleavy campaign

The University of Alaska is allowing itself to be used for partisan political purposes by taking part in this latest campaign event. UAF and UA officials should know that this is inappropriate and that they should divorce themselves from overt political activity with the incumbent governor. What’s wrong here is not the subject matter of the research—oil—but the timing of a Dunleavy event promoting it just before the election.

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After refusing to answer written questions from news organizations, Mike Dunleavy reverses himself

After having his state-paid spokesman announce his refusal to answer written questions from news organizations in July, Gov. Mike Dunleavy or his spokesman, Andrew Jensen, reversed their decision and replied to a set of questions from four Alaska news organizations. There has been no news coverage of Dunleavy’s reversal or of the Jensen/Dunleavy claim that Dunleavy had answered all important questions in the past so there was no need to do so again.

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Dunleavy now claims state canceled $50,000 no-bid contract with his friend the same day the public learned about the deal

On May 31 the public learned that Gov. Mike Dunleavy had quietly given a no-bid $50,000 state contract to his friend Brett Huber, who was working to reelect Dunleavy. Huber and Dunleavy defended the no-bid deal as legal and a bargain for the state. But Dunleavy’s lawyer now says the contract was cancelled the same day the administration was claiming it was necessary to promote “statehood defense.”

If so, why was Huber paid $8,000 nearly a month later for providing consulting services to the governor’s office?

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