If Fred Meyer sells some Safeway stores to win merger approval, how could a smaller company compete?

Gov Mike Dunleavy and Attorney General Tregarrick Taylor, who love to file lawsuits against the federal government, continue to stay silent about the proposed Kroger/Albertson’s merger, the economic impact on hundreds of thousands of Alaskans and what this would mean for food security across the state. Dunleavy campaigned on “food security,” using it as an empty feel-good phrase that required no real action on his part.

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Dermot Cole Comments
Pending Cook Inlet gas shortage generates new talk of importing fuel from Outside

Nat Herz, one of the top young journalists in Alaska, has started a newsletter that is worth your attention and financial support. His latest post at Northern Journal is about the pending nature gas shortage in Cook Inlet, a prospect that has enormous implications for Southcentral Alaska and Fairbanks. We’ve seen this problem before and no one has an easy answer. As Yogi Berra either did or did not say, “It’s like deja vu all over again.

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Dermot Cole Comments
Right-wing assembly leader dumps climate change committee to start his reign

The borough assembly named tour guide Aaron Lojewski presiding officer last week. He wasted no time after the meeting in allowing a little power to go to his head, unceremoniously dumping the members of the Climate Action Committee who have worked for months on a draft plan for the borough. They did nothing wrong. They put in long hours over many months trying to come up with a reasonable plan for the community. This is not the right way to treat people.

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