Alaska Senate majority stands a real chance of ending the state leadership vacuum

The Alaska State Senate will be led by a 17-member bipartisan majority of Democrats and Republicans with Kodiak Sen. Gary Stevens as president.

What Stevens called a “healthy majority” could provide the leadership missing from state government under Gov. Mike Dunleavy.

“This is a new era in the Alaska Senate. It is an opportunity to build relationships with members across the aisle, the other body, and the governor so we can work together to resolve the issues Alaskans face in education, the economy, and high energy costs. Together, we will keep Alaska a place where generations of families are proud to call home,” Stevens said in a press release.

One person leads the executive branch, a position uniquely suited to lead the development of a fiscal plan or to abrogate the responsibility that comes with the job. Dunleavy has chosen the latter course, but a strong Senate can change the calculus.

The three Republicans who refuse to be part of the organization, Mike Shower, Shelley Hughes and Robb Myers responded with moaning and groaning. The claim by this disgruntled trio that Republicans who joined the organization have betrayed or defied the voters is nonsense.

The truth is that Hughes, Shower and Myers are right-wing extremists who don’t recognize that Alaskans have a variety of political beliefs and most people want legislators to work together. Their inability to cooperate with others or seek compromise makes them ineffective and shortchanges their constituents.

Not long ago Hughes was singing the praises of ivermectin, while Myers was trying to get the state to create “Truck Driver Appreciation Day” and Shower was claiming $120 oil prices were here to stay and wanted to spend $3.6 billion in one year on dividends. Moe, Larry and Curly had better ideas than these three.

Along with fellow radicals, they believe their job is to represent only those who share their narrow political views.

The Alaska Beacon has good coverage of the new Senate majority, as does the Anchorage Daily News.

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