Alaska Republicans eagerly join effort to overthrow U.S. government

President Donald Trump lost his bid for re-election. The voters chose former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden won the popular vote and enough states for a victory in the electoral college.

There is no evidence of fraud. The barrage of lawsuits aimed at resurrecting Trump have failed to go anywhere in the justice system, a sign that at least some American institutions have not been corrupted by the would-be tyrant and the endless noise from his gang.

The election loss hasn’t stopped the Trumpists who control the Republican party from attempting to overthrow the government.

The party of small government and conservatism is tightly in the grip of a bankrupt politician who cares for nothing but himself. The Supreme Court, controlled by conservatives, made quick work of the laughable lawsuit Friday.

Alaska’s most radical right-wing legislators and Gov. Mike Dunleavy embarrassed themselves and Alaska by signing onto the overthrow campaign by backing the idiotic lawsuit filed by a Texas politician who is fishing for a Trump pardon.

Dunleavy and the rest claim they care about election integrity. What they really care about is Trumpism.

North Pole Rep. Mike Prax admitted as much when he told the Daily News-Miner the real reason for the overthrow is because Alaska “will not fare as well under a Biden administration as we were doing in a Trump administration.”

The Alaska Republican hypocrisy is on full display in backing the frivolous Texas lawsuit to throw out the results of the presidential election.

As former Rep. Les Gara observes, the Alaska supporters of the overthrow should confess that the Dunleavy administration was guilty of doing the same things in the 2020 election that it now claims were illegal.

The state sent absentee ballots to all voters 65 and older in response to the pandemic. Dunleavy is now saying that such actions in other states were illegal.

“I am asking that the state admit Alaska did exactly what part of the Texas lawsuit claims is illegal. That suit claims states and election officials cannot expand absentee voting during a pandemic. If we are going to make that argument, we should concede we did, and our citizens benefited from, what this lawsuit claims is illegal,” Gara wrote to acting Attorney General Ed Sniffen.

“Honesty is important. The integrity of the Attorney General's Office is important. We should be candid with the court,” Gara said.

Alaska Republicans endlessly whine about protecting states’ rights and why others states have no business telling Alaskans what to do. By backing the Texas chicanery, Dunleavy and his fanbase have shown that they have no hesitation in trying to force their opinions on other states.

Silent Sen. Dan Sullivan, who a champion of states’ rights, is hiding in the corner, waiting to be told what to say about the incessant lying by Trump.

And Sen. Lisa Murkowski said this to the Washington Post: “I am really surprised and disappointed that—what are we? Three days before everything is to be certified? — that there would be . . . this effort. . . . But even more so, I was just really disappointed that this is continuing in this way.”

She is really disappointed that her party is trying to overthrow the U.S. government and reject the results of the presidential election. Shameful.

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