Dunleavy administration adds misleading claim to absentee voter applications

As it has in the past, the Republican Party of Alaska is giving dishonest instructions to voters who choose to fill out a request for an absentee ballot.

What’s worse is the state Division of Elections and Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer are contributing to the deception with a misleading 2019 revision to the absentee application instructions. The state version now suggests that applicants for an absentee ballot must declare a “political party affiliation” on Block 9, not just a “political affiliation.”

The majority of voters in Alaska are nonpartisan or undeclared. The use of the term “political party affiliation” tells them they have to choose. But they don’t.

The state should return to the old version, which had a space to designate “political affiliation” on Block 9, which is a better way to make it clear that a party affiliation is not required.

The deception on the Republican version of the application, sent to many thousands of voters recently, is more explicit. It is contained on the instructions the party gives to those who fill out the form.

“You must provide a party affiliation in Block 9,” the Republican Party claims.

That statement is false. As I wrote here in 2018, if the tiny and ineffective Alaska Public Offices Commission had the staff it needs to serve as a political watchdog, it would not let the party get away with this.

Former Gov. Sean Parnell, who has a form letter attached to the Republican version of an absentee ballot application highlighting the virtues of the GOP, knows that the GOP instructions are false.

Here is the absentee ballot application as it existed at the end of 2018. Note the instructions for filling out Block 9.

Here is the new version with the “political party affiliation” instruction at Block 9.

Today, there are three recognized political parties in Alaska—Republican, Democrat and Alaskan Independence Party. There are 11 other options for affiliation—nonpartisan, undeclared, Libertarian, Alliance Party, Green Party, Moderate Party, OWL Party, Patriots Party, Progressive Party, UCES Clowns Party and Veterans Party.

It is up to the lieutenant governor and the Division of Elections to post revised instructions to make it clear that a declaration of a political party affiliation is not required to receive an absentee ballot in Alaska.

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