Fairbanks John Reeves starts a 'bone rush' in New York City

Alaskan John Reeves, who never tires of stirring the pot, is trying to set off a “bone rush” in New York City for a valuable load of mammoth tusks from Fairbanks that was dumped in the East River in 1940.

His assertion, which has already found its way to the Wikipedia page of the East River, is that the material was rejected by the American Museum of Natural History. It was dumped in the water not too far from the United Nations building would later be constructed.

On the Joe Rogan podcast, Reeves read from a draft research report by Richard Osborne and others that said: "Mistakes made in the field as to the acceptable condition of bones shipped to New York City were dumped in the East River. The dump site at the time was off the East River Drive at about 65th St. The common New York City Hospital dump site as well for difficult to dispose of materials. Potentially a challenging archaeological dig for archeologists in the distant future."

As Wikipedia notes, “The artifacts in question came from a parcel of land now owned by Reeves known colloquially as ‘The Boneyard’ where hundreds of thousands of ice age bones have been recovered from permafrost.”

The Daily Mail in the U.K. has reported on the disclosure by Reeves.

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