Dan Sullivan is right about Tommy Tuberville’s attack on the military
It took him a long time to get to this point, but Sen. Dan Sullivan has made the right call on Sen. Tommy “Coach” Tuberville’s obstruction of promotions and transfers for hundreds of military members over an unrelated Pentagon policy on access to some health care services, including abortion.
Read the Congressional Record to see what Sullivan and other GOP senators had to say about the achievements of 61 high-ranking military members who are stationed in limbo because of the Alabama senator.
After five hours, Sullivan referred to the hundreds whose promotions are being held up and said, “We will be coming here every night to try and get your guys confirmed.” He’s going to have to try harder.
Sen. Dan Sullivan on Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s action to block the promotion of Marine Col. Kelvin Gallman to brigadier general.
It shouldn’t have taken the heart attack that sent Marine Commandant Gen. Eric Smith to the hospital to get Sullivan and a few other GOP senators to force Tuberville to spend hours on the Senate floor.
They should figure out a way to keep him there 24 hours a day to say “I object” about 360 times.
The Senate should permanently do away with the antiquated rules that allow a single senator to hold up nominations. Democrats are trying to temporarily get around the rules, a half-step that is not nearly enough.
The desire to hold onto the power of blocking nominations may provide a false sense of political strength, but Tuberville’s antics show a 100-person piece of our government that is hopelessly ill-prepared to deal with the modern world.
“The spectacle on the floor marked the breakdown of months of behind-the-scenes negotiations in which Republicans publicly defending Mr. Tuberville’s actions and blaming Democrats and the Pentagon for failing to accommodate him have privately pleaded with the Alabama senator to relent,” the New York Times said.