Murkowski calls out Republican hypocrisy on Ukraine, border deal

“It was the Republicans, I will remind you, that told the Democrats months ago that if you want to try to get your Ukraine funding, you're gonna have to take up the border issue. This is what we asked for.”

“This is what we asked Senator Lankford to negotiate. It's what he did. He did it in good faith. So let's take up what we asked for,” Sen. Lisa Murkowsi said, according to CNN reporter Manu Raju.

The reminder is timely because Donald Trump called the deal a “betrayal” and many in the GOP flock fell in line with Trump, without having read the bill.

Trump would rather keep the border problem unsolved and use it as a campaign issue against President Joe Biden instead of promoting solutions.

House Speaker Mike Johnson says he opposes the plan he hasn’t read. According to Trump, no bill is needed.

Sen. Dan Sullivan, whose core policy is to never criticize Trump, was among those saying for months that linking money for the southern border with Ukraine aid and other issues was a great idea.

He should be calling out the Republican hypocrisy on this along with Murkowski, but he has not followed her lead, as usual.

Sullivan likes to list the foreign policy problems that have occurred under President Biden, including Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

“A lot of that has been you know driven by the Biden’s administration weakness,” said Sullivan.

Sullivan did tell Politico that the leader of the Senate negotiations, Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford has been hit by critics.

“He’s taking a lot of incoming. Occasionally you do that when you think you're onto something,” Sullivan said.

Sullivan has joined those trying to appease GOP critics by saying the aid to Ukraine should be for military purposes only. Plus, $50 billion to $60 billion would be spent in the United States and go to companies to increase the ability of firms in the United States to build more weapons.

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