Begich III calls Biden a ‘son of a bitch,’ then lies about Biden and Cook Inlet natural gas

Perhaps Nick Begich the Third is trying to cultivate an image as a Trump-like tough guy, when he is just a rude freshman seeking attention.

“Joe Biden is a son of a bitch,” the freshman House member announced on Elon Musk’s social media website.

I’m surprised he didn’t challenge the president to a duel.

Begich III then launched into a lie about the natural gas supplies in Cook Inlet, hinting that the son of a bitch Biden wants Alaskans to go cold. The oil and gas lease ban Biden is planning won’t shut off the gas in Cook Inlet.

“Hundreds of thousands of Alaskans rely on natural gas from the Cook Inlet to heat and electrify their homes, churches, schools and workplaces,” Begich III said.

“Actions like this should serve as a permanent reminder that the Democrat machine is more than happy to sacrifice us all in the name of their sanctimonious, socialist-driven, climate science religion,” said Begich III.

Speaking of sanctimonious, perhaps Begich III was in church Sunday when he decided to call out the son of a bitch.

Or perhaps he had his state director, Rick Whitbeck, do the honors. Whitbeck was a promoter of the oil and gas industry, earning $139,000 from Power the Future, before Begich III gave him a federal job.

In November, Whitbeck complained that the proposed ANWR lease sale this week was a “middle finger” to Alaskans. He said part of his job was to expose the “outright lunacy of the eco-left.”

Begich III linked to a column on a right-wing website that promotes conspiracy theories, ZeroHedge, about Biden’s plan to ban offshore drilling in many federal waters.

The Washington Post said the Biden plan would include 625 million acres of federal waters. Areas included in the ban, which can’t be reversed without action by Congress, would include the Northern Bering Sea, as well as areas off the Atlantic Coast, the Pacific coast and the eastern Gulf of Mexico, the Post said.

The White House announced the Biden ban Monday. It has nothing to do with Cook Inlet.

The decision covers 44 million acres of the Northern Bering Sea where there is no oil industry activity.

“The Northern Bering Sea, off the coast of western Alaska, is home to migrating marine mammals including bowhead and beluga whales, walruses and ice seals, which are hunted by many Alaska Natives,” the Post reported. “President Barack Obama issued an executive order that prohibited oil and gas exploration across more than 112,000 square miles of marine habitat in the Northern Bering Sea and called for tribal comanagement of the protected area.”

The Gulf of Mexico is the area the oil industry is the most interested in.

In Cook Inlet, the problem is not Biden or the federal government. It’s the inaction of Gov. Mike Dunleavy in failing to hold Hilcorp accountable under terms of a consent decree that was supposed to protect consumers.

“The attorney general’s authority to audit Hilcorp under the consent decree expires on Dec. 31, 2024, and the Dunleavy administration has shown no signs of action. In response, two Alaska lawmakers — Sens. Cathy Giessel and Bill Wielechowski — asked the FTC to resume its investigation. Alaskans should not have to rely on the federal government to protect ratepayers from Hilcorp’s monopolistic behavior. But the Dunleavy administration’s remarkable failure to act will leave us with one less tool to address the gas crisis in the new year,” Catherine Rocchi of the Alaska Public Interest Research Group wrote last month.

Regarding the coming Biden ban on offshore drilling, the New York Times reported that the provision that would not allow Donald Trump to reverse the ban was tested during the first Trump term when he tried to overturn Obama’s decision.

In 2019, federal Judge Sharon Gleason said it would take an act of Congress to reverse the withdrawal of 120 million acres of Arctic waters from drilling. A 2017 executive order by Trump was illegal, she found.

Trump appealed the decision to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that same year. After Biden reinstated the Obama withdrawals, the court deemed the lawsuit moot.

Expect more court fights to follow.

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