Permanent Fund's Russian holdings tank, leaving little to divest from

While it may be too late to sell Russian stocks without huge losses, this is not just a matter of politics. There is also the question of economics and whether our investment managers should have acted in advance and unloaded Russian holdings when there was something to unload. Balancing and holding onto a long-term vision is made more difficult when parts of the world are collapsing.

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Dunleavy's state-paid PR man does double duty as campaign PR man, an obvious misuse of state resources

A PR man in the governor’s office, Andrew Jensen, has a state job in which he sings the praises of Dunleavy and attacks Dunleavy’s critics. He is also a campaign “volunteer” for Dunleavy, a job in which he sings the praises of Dunleavy and attacks Dunleavy’s critics. It is impossible to say where his state job ends and his campaign job begins because they are the same. He doesn’t belong on the state payroll.

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