With 50 candidates in the running, it will be a rumble to replace Don Young

In Alaska, the race to replace Rep. Don Young is a bit like the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, unpredictable but not nearly as neat or orderly.

Two weeks ago no one saw a vacancy in the Alaska U.S. House seat, just as no one saw St. Peter’s beating Kentucky in the first round.

Since nature abhors a vacuum, we now have 50 candidates running for Alaska’s only seat in the U.S. House.

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Dunleavy's public meltdown: Fear and Loathing of the coming vote-by-mail election

What Dunleavy did not say at his latest staged press event was that he secretly tried to get the Legislature to do away with the special primary election for the U.S. House race by passing an emergency bill to amend the election ballot measure approved in 2020. Instead Dunleavy tried to belittle a reporter who was just doing his job. The Legislature refused to do away with the special primary election.

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Permanent Fund trustees damage the fund and its reputation by stonewalling on Rodell firing

The Dunleavy administration and the Alaska Permanent Fund Board of Trustees, led by Craig Richards, are now threatening legal action to stop a legitimate legislative investigation of the firing of Angela Rodell, claiming this is political interference. Dunleavy, Richards and the rest are playing the arrogant card, a foolish decision on their part, damaging the reputation of the permanent fund.

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